Nigeria National Virtual Library

World eLibrary
Housed in World Public Library Multi-Terabyte server network is the world's largest digital archive of PDF eBooks and eDocuments. The collection hosts more than 500,000+ PDF eBooks and eDocuments. It provides members the complete access to the entire collection.
The World eLibrary is a valuable ebooks of:
Over 500,000+ complete, full length, unabridged PDF eBooks, eDocuments, and References.
It is conveniently organized into different categories and subcategories.
It has search capabilities with full text, title, author, and category.
PDF file printing, highlighting, bookmarking, and annotation capabilities.
PDF Built-in dictionary: define any word with the click of a button.
65,000 Illustrations, Graphics, Maps, and Pictures

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eBOOKS from GOOGLE Books - Click here

Free Online Course Materials at MIT OpenCourseWare

Free Online Library: One of the largest online libraries in the world -- Millions of news, trade publications, newspapers, magazine, journal and reference ...

Questia, Your Online Research Library
Online research library with access to books, journals, articles, and encyclopedias plus helpful citation tools. Faster, better research with Questia!


The AGORA program, set up by the Food & Agriculture Organisation of the UN (FAO) together with major publishers provides access to an outstanding digital library collections in the fields of food, agriculture, environmental science and related social sciences. AGORA provides a collection of 918 journals to institutions in 107 countries. AGORA is designed to enhance the scholarship of the many thousands of students, faculty and researchers in agriculture and life sciences in the developing world. [for more click here]

This contains thousands of free e-books, poems, articles, short stories and plays, study guides, dictionaries, biographies, religious texts, and popular non-fiction. [for more click here]

Bioline International
Features 30 peer-reviewed journals from Brazil, Cuba, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Uganda, Venezuela, and Zimbabwe etc. Subjects included are health, biodiversity, environment, conservation and international development. [for more click here]

BLDS: British Library for Development Studies at IDS – Institute of Development Studies
This is Europe’s largest research collection on economic and social change in developing countries. [for more click here]

Bridge: Development and Gender
A searchable database of gender and development materials from across the wild. The collection includes tools, case studies, policy papers and research. [for more click here]

Chemistry Central
This collection of peer-reviewed open access research and journals in chemical sciences. [for more click here]

Provides access to online resources for CommsDesign engineers. [for more click here]

Directory of Open Access Journals
This provides access to 2,565 quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals. [for more click here]

Databases is one of the world’s most valuable, largest scholarly multidiscipline, full text database indispensable to academic institutions.
The Academic Search Premier is by far the world’s most valuable and most numerous collections of active full text peer-reviewed journals. Business source premier is the industry’s most used business research database, providing the full text for more than 2,300 journals. Education Research complete is the definitive online resource for education research. This massive file offers the world largest and most complete collection of full text education journal.
The Health source: Nursing /Academic Edition provides nearly 550 scholarly full text journals focusing on many medical disciplines. MEDLINE with full text is the world’s most comprehensive source of full text medical journals, providing full text for nearly 1,200 journals indexed in MEDLINE. SOCINDEX with full text is the most comprehensive engine and highest quality sociology research database. Its extensive scope and content provide users with a wealth of extremely useful information encompassing the broad spectrum of sociological study. [for more click here]

Electronic Journals and Magazines on the Middle East
Provides a list of journals related to the Middle East, some of which include access to full texts or abstracts of articles. [for more click here]

Electronic Journals Library
University Library of Regensburg offers the “Electronic Journals Library,” which provides access to over 10,500 journals. [for more click here]

Electronic Literature Directory
This is a database of listings that cover poetry, fiction, drama, and non fictions. The forms of writing represented include hypertexts, animated poems, multimedia works, etc. [for more click here]

Electronic Text Centre
10,000 publicly available e-books and journals including philosophy, religion, history, literature, history of science. [for more click here]

ERIC/AE Full Text Internet Library
Links to full-text books, reports, journal articles, newsletter articles and papers on the Internet that address educational measurement, evaluation and learning theory. [for more click here]

Escholarship Editions
Access to electronic editions of academic books published by scholarship editions, mainly in the humanities, religion, history, literature, arts and social sciences. [for more click here]
Archive of published articles that can be searched for free. Includes access to some journals which provide free full text access. The service covers more general than academic journals but includes a few journals on management and education. [for more click here]

Highwire (Stanford University)
Highwire facilitates access to over 1.1 million full text scholarly articles on medical/biomedical topics. Most journal titles covered include back issues older than 12-24 months. [for more click here]

The Health InterNetwork Access to Research Initiative (HINARI) provides very low cost online access to the major journals in biomedical and related social sciences to local, not-for-profit institutions in developing countries.
HINARI was launched in January 2002, with some 1500 journals from 6 major publishers: Blackwell, Elsevier Science, the Harcourt Worldwide STM Group, Wolters Kluwer International Health & Science, Springer Verlag and John Wiley, following the principles in a Statement of Intent signed in July 2001. Twenty-two additional publishers joined in May 2002, bringing the total number of journals to over 2000. Since that time, the numbers of participating publishers and of journals and other full-text resources has grown continuously. Today more than 70 publishers are offering their content in HINARI and others will soon be joining the programme. An evaluation is in progress which will determine the long term future of HINARI. [for more click here]

This was established in 1998 and has served academic libraries since inception. It provides free access to the most comprehensive collection of academic and professional publications. [for more click here]

National Academies Press:
Provides access to thousands of entire books and reports on a wide range of topics in science, engineering, and the health sciences. [for more click here]

The National Science Digital Library (NSDL)
NSDL is the Nation's online library for education and research in
Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics. [for more click here]

Online Access to Research in the Environment (OARE)
Provides access to one of the world’s largest collections of environmental science literature an d database search tools. [for more click here]

World's largest bibliographic database on population, family planning, and related health issues. POPLINE provides citations with abstracts for 300,000 records. Document delivery services for the full text of most documents is free for individuals or institutions in developing countries, if it is not available locally, not a commercially published book, and is less than 100 pages long. [for more click here]

RePEc (Research Papers in Economics)
Database of working papers and journal articles on economics. The website links to IDEAS, the largest bibliographic database on Economics available on the internet. [for more click here]

Scholarly Journals Distributed via the World Wide Web (University of Houston Libraries)
Provides links to established Web-based scholarly journals that offer access to English language articles. [for more click here]

ScienceDirect contains over 25% of the world's science, technology and medicine full text and bibliographic information. Apart from online reference works, handbooks and book series, ScienceDirect offers a rich journal collection of over 2,000 titles. In addition, the Backfiles program offers the ability to search a historical archive of over 6.75 million articles directly from your desktop, back to Volume 1, Issue 1. The collections contain 4 million articles prior to 1995, and 2.75 million articles from after 1994. [for more click here]

Social Science Online Periodicals
Database of articles from the UNESCO Social and Human Sciences Documentation Centre. [for more click here]

The Revue d’Economie du Développement
This international journal, originally published in French, is one of the key francophone journals of development economics, covering a wide range of issues including macroeconomics, microeconomics, and international issues. The English version of 3 issues of this journal is now exclusively available on GDN’s site. [for more click here]

University of Houston Libraries: Scholarly Journals Distributed via the World Wide Web
Lists and provides links to journals that offer free access to English language articles. [for more click here]

USAID Development Partner Resources
A searchable database listing USAID programme and technical documents, with many available to download. [for more click here]

World Bank Documents
Collection of World Bank reports, documents and working papers. [for more click here]

World Development Reports
This is an invaluable guide to the economic, social and environmental state of the world produced by the World Bank.
[for more click here]

This contains thousands of free e-books, poems, articles, short stories and plays, study guides, dictionaries, biographies, religious texts, and popular non-fiction. [for more click here]

This contains thousands of free e-books, poems, articles, short stories and plays, study guides, dictionaries, biographies, religious texts, and popular non-fiction. [for more click here]